Monday, December 8, 2008

Fun weekend

We had a pretty good weekend. We went over to the Algers and watched a really bad episode of Ghost Adventures and then played some board games. Wicked fun, even though I lost. Beer night on Friday and then next Saturday we are going out to look at christmas lights like we do every year. I will probably see if the Algers want to go with us. Should be fun. I am almost done with Xmas shopping. I just have one more present for Tony. I tried out his new video game and am hooked on it. Amanda finaly had to come in and tell me to stop playing or I was going to get caught.
See ya.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just another boring weekend!

This is the second weekend in a row that I don't feel like I am getting anything done. I am just doing laundry and watching movies. We saw Tropic Thunder last night and that was really funny. Today we watched Drillbit Taylor with Owen Wilson. That's a good one also. A must see. Now we are just trying to tackle the laundry monster. We skipped the office party this year. Amanda did not want to go again. She really does not like some of the people that I work with. It is hard to get friends that she likes. Thank god the Algers are in my life or I would have nobody to talk to outside of the house.
If the fog lifts, I am going to put up some Christmas lights. Wow this blog sounds boring. I hope that I have something to write about soon. I put in for another job at work and will find out if I got it on Monday. I also have a doctors appt. on Monday and maybe get off 0ne or two of my perscriptions.
Talk at ya later.